Naturopathic Therapies

Clinical Nutrition


  • Use of whole foods, dietary modification and supplements to restore, balance, and maintain health.  Food intolerances, dietary deficiencies, imbalances and nutritional excesses have all been associated with many health concerns.  Thus, even something as simple as dietary changes can profoundly improve one’s health.



Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine


  •  Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the concept of yin and yang, “qi” or vital energy, blood, fluids, organ functions, pulse and tongue diagnosis, as some of its key concepts to diagnose and treat conditions from this unique perspective.  Using eastern herbs and acupuncture, Naturopathic doctors work to bring the body back into balance.



Botanical medicine



  • Use of botanical plants and/or plant substances made into teas, tinctures or capsules to restore harmony and balance health.





  • Homeopathic remedies are made from specific dilutions of plant, animal and mineral substances.  When carefully matched to the patient, they are able to affect the body’s “vital force” and to stimulate the body’s innate healing forces on both the physical and emotional levels, with few side effects. This powerful system of medicine is more than 200 years old and is widely accepted in many countries.





  • Water has been used for healing thousands of years ago.  The use of water (whether hot, cold, or a combination of both) for therapeutic effects can be especially healing for the whole person.




Lifestyle Counseling



  • Mental attitudes and emotional states are important elements in healing and disease.  Naturopathic doctors address all aspects of someone’s life to establish a healthy lifestyle and restore balance (in self care and growth, relationships, family, career, hobbies, etc).